FRAUD : In the name of "Legal notice to employees"

Yesterday, I received an email informing me that I had been selected for an internship I had applied for. The email requested me to send my resume, and without realizing it, I sent it. After that, I received a few more emails from different individuals stating that I had been selected. Unfortunately, I didn't notice those emails.

Today, I received a call from someone from (he was scammer), who mentioned that I hadn't been responding to companies and didn't have a job ID. They informed me that because I hadn't read the terms and policies of, the company would take legal action against me and issue a challan of Rs. 48,000. I was confused because I had applied to several companies, but this situation seemed quite strange.

The caller spoke about the potential harm to my family's reputation and the possibility of a seven-year ban on my documents. Naturally, like anyone who hears about a ban on their achievements for no reason, I became worried.

The caller proposed a solution, suggesting that I pay Rs. 7,400 while staying on the call to cancel the challan. I decided to put the call on hold.

Upon reviewing my emails, I discovered that all the selection emails were from At that point, I ended the call and received a message discussing legal consequences and other alarming things. I investigated further and found this website 

and confirmed myself that it was indeed a fraud.

I'm sharing this post to raise awareness about a widespread scam that is affecting people worldwide, catching them off guard. Perhaps many of you are already aware of it, but the lady who spoke to me was so polite and seemed genuinely concerned about my career, which raised a red flag for me.

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